Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Stargate (SNES)

How I sum this game up:  You would think Kurt Russell as your character is a sure thing, but it doesn't do it justice.

Did you like the movie?  Love it even?  Maybe you are a Stargate fan boy.  2 things happen with fan boys.  If you are a fan boy, you either love something so much A: The thing you love can do no wrong, or B: the original was so good nothing can live up to it.

This is simply a half-hearted effort of a shooter/side scroller.  Insert Stargate elements.  Boom, you've got a game.  It came out mildly entertaining.  I did like the movie, but I didn't love it.  The problem with this cross over is mainly that the Stargate movie is not action packed, it is a conceptual movie.  That doesn't translate to good side scrolling, so we end up with this.  Give Kurt Russell a gun, he can shoot things from the movie.  And ya that does sound alright.  And it is OK.  But nothing more.
Images courtesy

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